School drop-offs and pick-ups can be messy! Take your time, stay alert, and obey the rules of the road. A safe and orderly process makes the day start and end on a positive note for both students and parents!

First Monday of the school year!
#Lobos #onepack #together

Check out the first "What's the Scoop" newsletter for the 2022-23 school year! This month's newsletter from our Child Nutrition department includes important reminders and everything you need to know as we kick off this new school year! ---> https://www.smore.com/a35r9

Sonia Sotomayor Families,
We hope you can all join us for our Open House tonight from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Food trucks will be available for food purchases from 3:00 to 7:30. We will have tables set up on the playground, so families can enjoy their meals. The food trucks include Taqueria Juanita, Monica's Food Truck, Rudy Navarette, the Hangover Hut, and the Yellow Submarine.
If you still need to provide paperwork such as address verifications, birth certificates, or immunizations records, please bring them to the office during the Open House event. Medications can also be dropped off at the school office.
We look forward to seeing you all tonight!

The countdown is ON! We are so excited to welcome students back for another great school year! Staff have been busily preparing their classrooms, brushing up on instructional skills, and revisiting the always-important-topic of customer service! See you soon!

The school is buzzing with excitement as staff return!!

A new app for parents of bus-eligible students is coming soon! The FREE Stopfinder app allows parents/guardians/daycare providers to see pick-up and drop-off times, the location of the bus, and other features in a secure app. More information will be coming soon, including an invitation to set up your child's account in Stopfinder. If you are the primary household of a bus-eligible student, please check your email for more information.

What better way to start August than some "inspired" learning? SFSD staff members are sharpening their skills to help your student(s) achieve!

Keep your students fueled to learn! SFSD is no longer able to offer free meals to all students. Now is a great time to add money to their My School Bucks account. Or, for families with qualifying income, it is important to fill out the Free/Reduced Meal application!
Log on to the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus to apply! If you have questions or need help filling out the application please call 605-367-6180. We are happy to help!
Please note: if your student does not have a free/reduced lunch application on file, you will be charged full price for breakfast and lunch starting the first day of school. Thank you!

PRESCHOOL OPENINGS! Summer is slipping away! If you have a 4 or 5 year old needing a quality preschool experience this fall, check out Learning Adventures! The District's fee-based preschool is offered at three Sioux Falls School District elementary schools - Discovery, John Harris, and Sonia Sotomayor. Click the link for more info! https://www.smore.com/yvqsg (Income eligible preschoolers may qualify for federally funded Early Childhood. Call 605-367-8488 for that program.)

PRESCHOOL OPENINGS! Summer is slipping away! If you have a 4 or 5 year old needing a quality preschool experience this fall, check out Learning Adventures! The District's fee-based preschool is offered at three Sioux Falls School District elementary schools - Discovery, John Harris, and Sonia Sotomayor. Click the link for more info! https://www.smore.com/yvqsg
(Income eligible preschoolers may qualify for federally funded Early Childhood. Call 605-367-4484 for that program.)

Students/Families who need assistance with purchasing the necessary school supplies for a successful school year may consider attending Project SOS. The first day of classes for SFSD is Thursday, August 25, 2022.

Sioux Falls School District is actively recruiting income eligible children turning age 4 prior to September 1st for a free, high-quality preschool experience. Attend our event on June 14th from Noon to 4 pm at the Learning Lab-2205 N Career Ave. Questions? 605-367-8488.

That's a WRAP! What an amazing year, Lobos! Thank you to everyone. This school year has been full of moments to cherish. Have a wonderful summer Lobos!

Today we are having Special, Specials!
Lots of FUN activities during specials classes.

Today we are having Special, Specials!
Lots of FUN activities during specials classes.

We celebrated with a bagel and cup of coffee in honor of our AWESOME Interns! Thank you, Maria, Estiv, Camila, Cindy and Paula for all you have done this year to help our young language learners and staff. You each have contributed so much in your unique ways, and we appreciate you! We wish you the very best of luck as you travel back home! Lobos Family!
#onepack #Lobos #juntos

The Sonia Sotomayor Library will continue to host the $5 Usborne Book Fair throughout the remainder of the school day today and tomorrow during school and from 4-6 pm (during Carnaval).

Wednesday, May 18-Usborne Book Fair, During the School Day Only
Thursday, May 19-Usborne Book Fair, During the School Day and 4-6 PM

Today, our 3rd graders got an awesome visit. They got to practice in a real scenario, a fire drill. The children's fire safety house was such a learning experience!