Lobos a reminder that Book Battles are THIS WEEK! 4th: MORNING on Tuesday, April 4th 5th: MORNING on Wednesday, April 5th 3rd: MORNING on Thursday, April 6th #Lobos #onepack #readers
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
book battle
Thank you for all you do. Having Sra.Ries in our pack has been incredible, we are so lucky have you! Happy National Dean of Students Week! #UnaManada #lobos #together
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
National Dean of Students Week
Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
thank you
The PTO needs your help! They are in need of few people to help with the concessions, set up and clean up for the movie this Friday. Would you consider signing up? https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10c0f48abaa2fa7f5c52-ptomovie Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
Movie night
Lobo’s talent show permission slips are due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 28!
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
Talent show
Attention Sonia Sotomayor, families!! Sonia Sotomayor, PTO, will be partnering with 1st Day School Supplies! School Supplies kits are ready to be ordered. Everything you need in one box without the hassle of shopping multiple places!! See the link below and order your box /boxes today! http://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=1178824
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
Buy school supplies
We are excited to announce that Sonia Sotomayor Elementary will be hosting a talent show on Tuesday, May 4th! There will be an evening performance for families and friends at 6:30 PM. All 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are invited to try out! Auditions will take place from 2:50-4:30 PM on Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th. Students interested in trying out must complete a permission slip to audition. Permission/audition slips are located in the school office and attached below. Permission slips are due by Tuesday, March 28th. We will not accept any late entry forms. Students will also be required to attend two rehearsals on Thursday, April 27th and Tuesday, May 2nd from 2:50 to 4:30 PM. Thank you for allowing your child to share their talent with our school!
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
talent show
The PTO needs your help! They are working on this year’s YEARBOOK!! If you have photos from the following events, can you please share them with us? Please email to sosopto@gmail.com and label by event. -Pizza Bingo -Skate Night (any of them) -4th Grade Orchestra -5th Grade Orchestra -Band -Culteral Days -Anything you think might be fun to include We’d love close ups from these events….a couple of kids skating together, a table at Pizza Bingo, a few kids with their instruments, etc…. Thanks so much for your help!! -SSE PTO
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
SFSD would like to give a huge shout-out to our partners at Delta Dental who visit schools to complete much-needed dental work for eligible students! Cleanings, cavities, and root canals are all done in the mobile bus, so students don’t have to miss school for an appointment! You put a smile on our faces, Delta Dental! Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Delta Dental Mobile
Grief and Loss are the topics of this month's Family Forum Series - an online program to strengthen families with a partnership between SFSD and Avera Behavioral Health. Watch for the link Tuesday at 6pm or join us at sf.k12.sd.us. Click Students & Families, then Counseling.
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Grief & Loss: Family Forum Series
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsor, EACH student and staff member will receive a t-shirt tomorrow morning to wear for our Bailando con Lobos event! There is still time to register your child at www.my booster.com! Thank you to all who are supporting our school and PTO! A special thank you to our shirt sponsors: Envive Chiropractic Baseball Seams Company Face It Together Sioux Falls WIT Trucking The Fruit Truck Horner Barrow Orthodontics
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Vik
Bailando con Lobos Shirts!
We have a new class leader folks! Señora Landry's class has moved into first place! Look at all of the changes from yesterday! Great work team!
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Vik
50 state challenge! Do you think we can do it?
Pledge-O-Meter 3.15.23
Oh what a difference one day can make! Sra. Graning is still leading, but Sra. Landry is in a close 2nd!
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Vik
Check out our Pledge-O-Meter!!
REACH for the Stars: SF Community Reads has started! Lobos, we have read 328 books. Don’t forget to fill out a star for every book read. Ask your teacher or stop by the library. Every book counts. Keep up the good work! #UnaManada #Together #Lobos
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
Everybody Reads
Check out that Pledge-O-Meter! Sra Graning's K03 is in the lead with almost $90 pledged per minute of dancing, but Sra. Martinez's 104 is in a close 2nd place! We have 4 days until Bailando con Lobos! www.mybooster.com
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Vik
Leader Board
Do you think we can get a pledge from each of the 50 states?? Have you registered your child at www.MyBooster.com? Our BIG event is Friday!!
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Vik
50 State Challenge
Bailando Con Lobos | Limited Edition Weekend Challenge ⏰ Sonia Sotomayor Elementary Families! Our Bailando Con Lobos fundraiser has begun, and we’re on our way to reaching our goal of $50,000. Thank you so much to our families who have registered and shared their donation pages to get us to this point! As we head into the weekend, we have a BONUS PRIZE OPPORTUNITY for all students. It’s for this weekend only, so time is limited to earn this extra reward. Click here to log into MYBOOSTER.COM to learn more about this prize and to share your donation page! Thank you for supporting our school and PTO! We can’t wait for the Bailando Con Lobos happening on 03/17/2023!
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Vik
Everybody Reads is just around the corner! March 13-31
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
reach for the stars
Have you ever considered hosting an Intern? This informational session is your opportunity to speak with our Intern Coordinators about this valuable experience. Please join us! We will gather in the library at Sonia Sotomayor. Intern Host Family Meeting Today, March 7, 6:30pm Sonia Sotomayor Library https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsLILGTvqAbJcax5xWI2znneK9eJMGkYRzHXnFMbfcA3Otkw/viewform?usp=send_form
almost 2 years ago, Sonia Sotomayor Elementary
Intern Host Family Meeting Tuesday, March 7, 6:30pm Sonia Sotomayor Library Have you ever considered hosting an Intern? This informational session is your opportunity to speak with our Intern Coordinators about this valuable experience. Please join us! We will gather in the library at Sonia Sotomayor. https://forms.gle/ePdHZJhc2wWR9kRMA
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Vik