The newest edition of El Noticiero is now available. Please see the link bellow to access.

Sonia Sotomayor families:
Come join us today at the Winter Wonderland Skate Party!
#OnePack #Juntos #Lobos

Sonia Sotomayor families:
Just a reminder, today, December 9, students can wear fleece/pajamas/Project Warm-Up gear!
#projectwarm-up #lobos #juntos

Won't you consider nominating one of our amazing teachers as the 35th Annual Teacher of the Year?
Nominations are due: Monday, January 16th, 2023.

Today we celebrate the awesome SPED team!
Sra.Brandt,Sra.Blind,Sra.Taylor,Sra.Jiménez and Sra.Azumatan. We are so fortunate to have you in our pack. Thank you for all you do.
Happy SPED Appreciation Day!
#lobos #OnePack #Juntos

Got fleece? Come join the 17th Annual Project Warm-up blanket party! Make blankets with us or drop off your completed blankets.
#Juntos #Lobos #OnePack

Our 5th graders had a wonderful performance. The Kid Flix Concert inspired by movies had us felling the rhythm. A special thank you to everyone that made it possible. Sra.Sanders and Sra.Tiedeman thank you for all your hard work!
#Lobos #OnePack #Juntos

Sonia Sotomayor Families!
On Friday, December 9th, our Specials teachers will be providing a service learning project with our students. Our hope is that our children understand that no matter how young they are, they have the power to positively impact the life of another person. During grade level Specials on Friday the 9th, students will be tying blankets for Project Warm-Up. We are in need of volunteers to assist the groups on Friday as well as volunteers all week to cut the blanket strips. The cutting task is an easy one! No prior experience is necessary!
We have created a sign-up sheet for those who are interested in signing up for a time slot. You can check that out and sign up here

Sonia Sotomayor families
Our awesome 5th graders invite you to their concert this Thursday, December 1st - 7:00 pm here at Sonia Sotomayor Gymnasium!
#Lobos #Juntos # SFSD

This short school week was very busy here at Sonia Sotomayor! Students participate on Flower Art Great gathering. Created art and crafts for Thanksgiving celebration and also joined the FIFA World Cup fever!
#Lobos #OnePack #Juntos

5th graders sharing their reading skills with our 1st graders! Srta.Triadu and Srta.Medina worked has a team with this special collaboration.
#Lobos #OnePack #Juntos

Today we celebrate our PHENOMENAL EA’s! They each go above and beyond every day to nurture our students!
Thank you to Yudith, Jania, Yaira, Sylvia, Monica, Ana, and Florentina for everything you give to the students and staff at Sonia Sotomayor. We are so lucky to have all of you here at Sonia Sotomayor!
#Lobos #Juntos #OnePack

Sonia Sotomayor Families:
Now that cold weather has arrived, please remember to send appropriate outdoor gear with your student. All items should be labeled with the student's name!

To all who served. We Are thankful for your service.
Happy Veterans Day!
#Veteran’sAssembly #Juntos #Lobos

In honor of Veterans, tomorrow November, 10 we'll be hosting a Veterans’ Assembly @2:00pm in the gym.
#Lobos #OnePack #together

We love our middle school mentors!
Today we are practicing our descriptive vocabulary in K04!

3rd grade Lobos are learning about still life drawing and taking inspiration from artist Paul Cezanne.
#Lobos #OnePack #Juntos

Dr. Vik and Mrs. Groen are representing our School at the National Blue Ribbon Ceremony!
#SFSD #Lobos #OnePack

And with a blink of an eye, we are already a quarter way through the 2022-2023 school year! The second quarter is here, and it’s a busy one! While this time of year tends to get chaotic, it’s important to remember how crucial student attendance is. Chronic absenteeism is a serious problem in South Dakota - a problem SFSD is committed to improving. Missing just two days a month can hurt a student’s grades and increase their chance of dropping out. Make sure your student is on the path to a bright future – and that starts in the classroom!

Thank You for the yummy donuts, courtesy of the Education Foundation!
It's a great way to start the day!
#Lobos #Juntos #OnePack