Celebrating Dìa de los Muertos is like a family reunion, except dead ancestors are the guests of honor. Take a look at our, ofrendas! They are a way to keep the memory of that person alive through the annual tradition of remembering what they loved to do, eat, drink and look like.
#Lobos #Onepack #juntos

Celebrating Día de los Muertos!
Every year on November 1st, people in the country of Mexico observe Día de Los Muertos, which is translated as the Day of the Dead. This is a day for Mexicans to welcome the souls of their deceased relatives back for a brief reunion. The day is not one of mourning, but instead an opportunity to portray death in a positive light, as a part of the human experience.
¡Feliz Día de los Muertos!
#Llbos #Juntos #OnePack

This week our students will be learning about the traditions of Día de Muertos, a tradition to remember family members and friends who have passed away. In Mexico, many families make an ofrenda (altar) in their homes to pay tribute to their loved ones who have passed on. Our school also currently has an ofrenda on display. Students are welcome to bring photos of loved ones who have passed away to display on the ofrenda. Students may bring the photos to the school office tomorrow, November 1. The photos will be on display through November 2 and will be sent home on Thursday, November 3.
#Diadelosmuertos #Lobos #OnePack

Super fun sensory boxes project from our Preschoolers. Parents and kids enjoying and creating together. "More Creativity and Less Screen Time"
#Lobos #OnePack #Juntos

Have you ever wished YOU were the teacher? Friday’s your chance! Dress like your teacher and see what they come up with to look like you! In the book If I were the teacher by Johnny Tiersma, Max has some wild, crazy, and funny ideas - I wonder what OUR school would look like if WE were the teachers! Friday’s reading challenge: Be a teacher; read a book to a younger student or sibling!

Sonia Sotomayor Families,
Picture retake packets will be coming home in Thursday folders today.
Please remind your students to check the Lost and Found tomorrow, as we will be donating all remaining items after Friday. Parents are also welcome to come check out the Lost and Found.
Thank you!

This book about The Day-Glo Brothers gives us our dress-up day for Thursday: 80s Day/ Neon Colors! When an accident left them recovering in a dark basement, they started experimenting with ultraviolet lights and fluorescent paint! Reading challenge: Be bright! Be brave! Tell 3 people about your favorite book!

🔥🔥 Gatherings are available to PREVIEW.🔥🔥
Gatherings are available for the in-person attendees of Great Gatherings first, then open to everyone following the event! Take a look at the one you might be interested in buying a spot for.

Chris Van Dusen, the author of If I Built the School, had some pretty wacky ideas! What if our school had hover desks, pop-up textbooks, skydiving wind tunnels, and a robo-chef?! Let’s get silly and dress up for WACKY WEDNESDAY! Your reading challenge: Read an entire book (or chapter) using wacky voices to tell the story!

Howdy, y'all!
Let’s take a gander at the Magic Treehouse book: Ghost Town at Sundown by Mary Pope Osborne. Jack and Annie find themselves in the wild, wild west, and you will, too, on Tuesday! Dress the part and see if you can outwit the horse thieves, rattlesnakes, and Cowboy Slim. Your reading challenge for today: Read a book that transports you to another place!

Lobos is reading challenge time…
Monday’s Dress Up Day is Hat Day!
The Magician’s Hat, written by Malcolm Mitchell is a story about a student who discovers magic in books. Malcolm Mitchell, the author, is a former wide receiver in the NFL. Your reading challenge today is to step out of your comfort zone, like Malcolm, and try something new!

Join PASI for their General Board Meeting!
MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2022 6:30 PM at Sonia Sotomayor library.

Today marks the 23rd Annual Lights On Afterschool event! Launched over 20 years ago, Lights On Afterschool is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families, and communities.
In honor of this event, Kids Inc. staff at all locations will be hosting celebrations throughout the next two weeks for students and families to participate in. Activities include talent shows, cookie decorating, pumpkin paintings, dance parties, art shows, scavenger hunts, and carnivals! These events are meant to bring awareness to the importance of quality after-school programs for kids.
Please help us say thank you to our Kids Inc. staff who play a MAJOR role in so many of our students' education journeys. We are incredibly thankful for each and every one of them for their dedication to the District and our students!

Sonia Sotomayor Families:
Ready to purchase your tickets? You're invited, just click below! Have more questions about Great Gatherings 2022? Click below!

JOIN US IN 15 MINUTES for our second Family Forum Series virtual webinar! Tonight's topic will focus on anxiety.
💻📱 Click this link to join ---> https://bit.ly/3TyJjen
Important note: If you choose to join using a mobile device like a tablet or smartphone, you will be prompted to download the Microsoft Teams App. The app requires you to type a name. You can use a first name, nickname, or a made-up name. The anonymous platform does NOT allow us to see user names. It only allows us to see the number of viewers.

Sonia Sotomayor Families:
Some of our interns are in need of cold-weather gear such as coats, boots, hats, and gloves! For sizes and quantities, please check: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0b4aabaf2ea57-winter
Thank you for supporting our interns as many of them experience their first South Dakota winter!

Sonia Sotomayor Families:
Tomorrow is school photo retake day! Lobos please bring back the picture packet if you are getting retakes.
Thank You!
#Lobos #Famlily #Juntos

Happy Boss's Day to Dr. Vik & Mrs. Ries! We are all happy to work with such wonderful bosses who inspire us and guide us every day!

October is National Principals Month, and we have two of the very best principals here at Sonia, so today we celebrate Dr. Vik and Mrs. Ries! Thank you, Dr. Vik and Mrs. Ries, for creating such a wonderful community for all the students, families, and staff here at Sonia Sotomayor. We appreciate the dedication, hard work, and leadership you share with our school every day!
#Lobos #OnePack #Juntos

Our last visit is to... Paraguay!
Fun Facts: One of the few Latin American countries to have kept its native language official, Guaraní comes first in Paraguay before Spanish. Paraguay’s motto is" Paz y Justicia", or, in English, "Peace and Justice". It is commonly depicted on a banner above a lion with a red cap.
¡Viva Paraguay!
#HispanicHeritageMonth #Lastvisit #Family